
We recognize that this is a rapidly evolving situation and have begun implementing contingency plans for university operations. 一如既往地, 我们的首要任务仍然是我们教师的健康和福祉, 工作人员, 学生与社区.

冠状病毒es are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals. 很少, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with MERS-CoV, 冠状, 现在是这种新型冠状病毒, 首先在武汉市发现的是哪一种, 湖北省, 中国. The virus has been named “冠状-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “新型冠状病毒肺炎”). 来源: 疾病预防控制中心

The virus is thought to be transmitted from person-to-person in close contact (about 6 feet). The virus may be spread when an infected person 咳嗽s or sneezes and produces respiratory droplets that infect a nearby person. People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic; however, 在人们出现症状之前,可能会有一些传播. 来源: 疾病预防控制中心

新型冠状病毒肺炎的症状包括发烧、咳嗽和呼吸短促. 来源: 疾病预防控制中心

如果你有发烧、咳嗽或呼吸困难, you should seek medical care immediately and call ahead to the doctor’s office to inform them of recent travel and symptoms.

有症状的学生应致电 校园健康服务中心,电话:(601)877-6460.m. 到下午4点.m.星期一至星期四和上午8点.m. 到3点.m. 周五). 非工作时间和周末致电(601)877-3000联系校园紧急服务.

大学员工应联系您的医疗保健提供者. 大学已制定了替代工作安排的政策方向, 隔离/检疫, institutional closure and emergency furloughs related to a pandemic and communicable diseases.

目前,还没有预防新型冠状病毒肺炎感染的疫苗. 你可以减少感染呼吸道病毒的风险, 包括新型冠状病毒肺炎, 采取以下预防措施:

  • 经常用肥皂和水洗手至少20秒.
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • 一定要避免触摸眼睛, 口鼻不洗手,避免与病人接触.
  • 清洁和消毒经常接触的物体和表面.
  • 认识到这种疾病的症状,可能包括高烧, 咳嗽, 呼吸困难, 类似于你患流感或重感冒时的感觉.
  • Seek care and immediately notify the Office of 健康 and 残疾人服务 at the Campus 健康 Center or your health care provider if you are experiencing these symptoms.
  • 生病时呆在家里.

来源: 疾病预防控制中心

是的. 3月12日, 密西西比州的第一例确诊病例是福雷斯特县(哈蒂斯堡)的一名患者。.

State public health officials are doing everything possible to limit and slow the spread of the infection and will continue to communicate with the public and community to ensure everyone is equipped with up-to-date knowledge. 更多信息,请访问 密西西比州卫生部 网站.

您提供给医疗保健计划的医疗记录和其他健康信息, 医生, 医院和其他医疗机构都是私营的. 您的个人健康信息受联邦HIPAA法律保护. 如果你的新型冠状病毒肺炎检测呈阳性, 当地卫生部门会联系你并展开调查. The results of the investigations will determine next steps for limiting the exposure risk to others. This could include quarantining a floor in a residence hall or recommendations for a wider scope of quarantine and/or deep cleaning if the case originated in a campus facility or other area.

不,大学没有关门. 随着形势的发展, we will continue to evaluate our University operations as we closely monitor the impact of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 on our community. 如果有新的发展,我们会与社区保持联系.

除了少数特殊情况(如.e. 国际学生等.), the University is continually encouraging students who desire to retrieve their personal belongings and return to their respective homes or permanent residence to do so. An organized process and to help manage traffic congestion for those returning to retrieve items, 早上8点开始.m. 2020年3月18日(星期三)至晚上8点.m. 2020年3月22日,星期日. 如果此时您无法取回您的物品, 请联系办公室协助安排其他时间.

有疾病的学生应计划回家, 如果可能的话, 休息一下, 因为我们很难保持适当的护理水平. 看到 这里是宿舍办公室的生活备忘录.

Students living on campus in residence halls will be receiving more communication from the Office of 居住生活 工作人员 so please follow the directions in those communications. 请注意, 我们强烈鼓励所有住宿学生, 谁有能力, 这学期不回校园了. 学生们应该明白这不是必须的. 所有学生手册和住宿生活政策仍然有效.

有疾病的学生应计划回家, 如果可能的话, 休息一下, 因为我们很难保持适当的护理水平. 看到 这里是宿舍办公室的生活备忘录.

  • 完成学生自我报告门户. 该链接通过电子邮件发送到所有学生的账户,并发布在社交媒体上.
  • pg电子下载的工作人员将与您联系,讨论您的情况.
  • 学校将限制学生的餐饮选择,并修改食堂的营业时间.

这是我们保持校园社区安全的最好方法. 更多信息可在pg电子下载新型冠状病毒肺炎网站上找到 1wid.neijianggwy.com/coronavirus.


课程和指导, including final exams will be offered using virtual means for the remainder of the semester. 本学期将于3月23日(星期一)恢复在线课程.

  • The University’s Facilities Management 工作人员 cleans and disinfects all communal bathrooms, 每天的地面和建筑物. 我们还为校园订购了额外的清洁用品.We have also placed hand sanitizer stations across campus and the Facilities 工作人员 has refilled them. 分配器靠近主要入口和/或附近的电梯. 请不要移动或损坏电台或内容. Facilities 工作人员 are cleaning with disinfectant products in alignment with best practices from the 密西西比州卫生部, 除了增加对扶手的清洁, 门把手, 以及其他高接触区域. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own personal hygiene and disinfectant supplies.

以帮助防止冠状病毒的传播, 我们正在实施保持社交距离和其他限制措施. No new events should be planned and events with 10 or more participants should be cancelled or postponed. NCAA和SWAC已经取消了冬季和春季剩下的比赛. 我们取消了遗嘱认证、召集等. 也.

  • Individuals are strongly encouraged to use social distancing to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Large gatherings on campus will immediately be dispersed and those present will be subject to university policies. 除了增加个体之间至少6英尺的物理空间, 实施社交距离的其他一些方法包括错开工作时间表, 社交接触减少(e).g.限制面对面的会议,在休息室开会等.),并限制与工作有关的大型聚会(例如.g.、员工会议、下班后活动).


  • 所有国内和国际大学赞助的旅行被暂停.
  • 体育旅行和大型赛事暂停.
  • We are requesting that all individuals who travel for personal reasons from areas where there is a sustained outbreak to self-report and self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to campus. 本协议适用于学生、教职员工和社区.
  • 根据密西西比州卫生部和疾病预防控制中心的数据, 有糖尿病等健康问题的人, 肺部疾病, 等. 患新型冠状病毒肺炎感染并发症的风险更高. They recommend that people at higher risk of severe illness should stay home and away from public places.

A number of local K-12 school districts have announced they will be closing for extended spring break starting Monday, 3月16日. 这给有孩子的员工带来了巨大的挑战.

一如既往地, employees must notify their supervisor as soon as possible if they plan to be away from work. If you are unsure as to whether you can report for work, please discuss with your supervisor. 虽然pg电子下载已经制定了新型冠状病毒肺炎协议, 员工被要求不要带孩子上班.

  • 大学是开放的. 在大学实施新冠肺炎计划的同时, 鼓励经理和主管执行正常的协议, 尽可能地, 以维持标准操作. Employees who feel they are unable to report to work should contact their supervisor as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements.

Employees who are not feeling well (but able to work) or believe they may have coronavirus symptoms, 如果他们的病情恶化,不应该来校园打电话给他们的医疗服务提供者吗. Employees who are returning from areas with confirmed cases will need to self-report and self-quarantine for at least 14 days. 请提前致电你的直接主管. 当员工生病时,应在各自的办公室遵循正常的呼叫程序. Employees should also submit leave pre-approval forms and record their sick time in Banner per normal practices.

If you think you have been exposed to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, 比如咳嗽或呼吸困难, 请立即联系您的医疗保健提供者. Call your healthcare provider before showing up to their office so that they can take steps to keep other people from getting infected or exposed.

  • 无论你在学校的地位如何,学生都可以联系到 咨询服务办公室 致电(601)877-6230或发电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护). 办公室工作人员会帮你联系到你可能需要的任何其他资源.